Instrument Stage I



Instruments and equipments

Can you use C152 for IFR flight?

Can you use the airplane with inoperative VSI for IFR flight?

What inspection and maintenance are required for IFR flight?

What would you do if airspeed went down to zero during flight?

What would you do if the altimeter and VSI doesn't show climb after you initiate climb(established climb attitude and applied full power)?

How do you scan the instruments in the case of vacuum failure?

How do you perform instrument check?


How does it work?

What does it mean if it indicate 2 dots off?

What is cone of confusion?

How do you perform VOR check?

What do you have to record after VOR check?


How does it work?

What is BFO and REC?

Identify all the antennas.




Attitude instrument flying

90kt Straight and level-climb at Vy-90kt straight and level

90kt Straight and level-climb at 500FHP-90kt straight and level

90kt Straight and level-descend at 90kt/500FPM-90kt straight and level

90kt Straight and level-descend at 800FPM-90kt straight and level

Standard rate turn, timed turn, compass turn

90kt straight and level-Climbing turn(Vy, standard rate)-90kt straight and level

90kt straight and level-Descending turn(90kt/500FPM, 90kt/800FPM)-90kt straight and level

90kt straight and level-50kt straight and level-90kt straight and level

90kt standard rate turn-50kt standard rate turn- 90kt standard rate turn

Power off stall/ Power on stall

Steep turn

Unusual attitude recovery


"Proceed direct SJC"

"Intercept SJC 010 radial inbound"

"Intercept SJC 360 radial out bound"

"Turn right heading 330, intercept SJC 010 radial"

"Proceed direct Reiga"

"Intercept Reiga 010 bearing inbound"

"Intercept Reiga 360 bearing out bound"

"Turn right heading 330, intercept Reiga 010 bearing"

"Depart Reiga via 180 bearing"

"Turn right heading 240, intercept localizer, track inbound"